How can we help you?
How can I apply for an insurance?

You can apply for a house or contents insurance online. You will hear from our staff whether your application has been approved or if the application will first be reviewed by a BSure consultant. You will also receive a confirmation email.

What else is insured in the home insurance?

The insurance has a standard supplemental coverage for costs associated with the settlement of claims. These costs are paid in addition to the insured sum. Examples are costs associated with:

  • The garden
  • The pool
  • Temporary housing
  • Legal liability
  • Water damage
  • Hired expertise
  • Clean-up work
  • Salvage work
  • Security services
  • First aid and trauma care after a fire or robbery
  • Loss of rent
Is the rebuild value the same as the purchase value?

No, this is not the same. The rebuild value is the amount needed to rebuild your home on the same location, with the same size and for the same purpose. The purchase price is the value of the house, including the land on which it stands.

What happens if I do not pay the premium on time?

If the premium for your insurance is not or not fully paid, the coverage of your insurance is withdrawn and your house and / or contents are not insured.

What to do after a burglary?

1. First contact the police for the official investigation. Then report to the police station to give an account of what exactly happened and what items were damaged or stolen. When you later find that more items were stolen or damaged, you can file an additional report. The police will give you copy of each report.

2. Report the damage as soon as possible to BSure. We will send you a claim form.

3. Fill out the form, sign it and send it to us with the purchase invoices. We make sure that your claim is processed as soon as possible.

What to do in case of water damage?

Try to limit the damage and let items dry as soon as possible.

Please contact us in case of permanent damage. We will send you a claim form. Fill it out, sign it and return it with all relevant documentation such as purchase receipts. We will process the claim as soon as possible. We may send an inspector to assess the damage, so it is important that you do not discard the damaged items right away.

How do I adjust the insured sum of my insurance?

If you want to adjust the insured sum, please inform us by sending an email to [email protected]

Am I over-insured for medical expenses if I already have health insurance?

The coverage for medical expenses is an addition to the coverage of your health insurance.

The compensation for expenses made abroad for necessary medical care depends on the rates that apply in the country where you received the care. You may have to pay extra, or even get no compensation from your insurer at all. Travel insurance includes coverage for medical expenses to cover these costs.

Can I take out travel insurance for my internship?

No. Travel insurance only provides coverage if you are abroad on holiday. To be insured during your internship you can take out a separate insurance. Contact us at +599 777 5444 or through the contact form for more information.

Does travel insurance provide coverage when I go on a business trip?

No. Contact us at +5999 466 0101 or through the contact form for more information. We are happy to help!

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